Refund Policy and Class Rules
Payment for classes should be made either by etransfer, cash or cheque payable to the Markham Guild of Village Crafts, once the instructor has informed you that there is a space for you in the class.
If you withdraw from a class with written notification to the teacher up to 7 days before the class begins, you will receive a full refund unless you have paid by credit card in which case a $20 administration fee will be charged.
If you withdraw from a class less than 7 days before it starts unless instructed to do so by the instructor, you will receive a refund less a $20 administration fee and any material fees charged.
After the first class, there will be no refund, as we have hired instuctors on the basis that there will be a certain number of attendees in the class.
If there are insufficient students registered for a class or the guild cancels the class you will receive a full refund.
Students are responsible to confirm times and dates for their classes with the instructor. You must register with the instructor so that sufficient materials will be available for each student. We do not offer makeup classes unless the teacher requests.
No students should just show up to a class as the teacher will not be prepared and may not have materials for the student.
Special rules may apply to one day workshops where guest intructors are being brought in to offer these classes.
Please join us for our two interest groups, happening at the guild during the week:
Monday mornings from 9:30 - Noon - all handcrafts
Wednesday Afternoon: Focus on quilting hand work and *NEW* First Wednesday morning of the month 9:30 - noon - bring your sewing machine, your project and sew along with friends
Located at:
11 Church Street, Markham
Looking for a class or workshop you cannot find? Email the Guild to put in a request at markhamguild@rogers.com

Thursday Night Zoom Social:
We would like to invite you to our Thursday Night Zoom Social. It takes place every Thursday night from 7-9pm.
Bring your drink of choice, a craft to work on and a smile! We look forward to seeing anyone that would be interested in joining for a chat. It's super informal, we normal chat about anything and everything. Sometimes you get to see a sneak peak of works in progress!
Topic: Thursday Night Zoom Social
Time: Every Thursday from 7-9pm
If interested in joining our Thursday Night Zoom Social, contact: markhamguild@rogers.com
or visit the members section for the link to zoom!
About Us:
The Markham Guild of Village Crafts is a creative hub offering a wide variety of Craft Classes, Monthly Meetings, Workshops, Summer Camps and Interest Groups to those in Markham and the surrounding areas.
Started in April of 1971, as an organization to encourage the preservation of handcrafts, the Markham Guild of Village Crafts has grown to become one of the leaders in the advancement of modern day crafting.