Polymer Clay

Personalized gift, Polymer clay on ceramic mug.

Personalized gift, Polymer clay on ceramic mug.

Table top decor that can be used as a candle holder. Made with cold porcelain and pastillage on a wooden base.

Completely edible swan cake top. Made with royal icing on a bed of chocolate.

Kitchen/wall Fruit decor. Cold procelain on ceramic plates.

Flower bouquet (cake top)
Made out of gumpaste.

Baby shoes ( can be used as a keep sake gift and/or cake top )
Made with cold porcelain and royal icing.

Teacher: Ayeh
Growing up in a family with lots of Artists and crafters around, I have been exposed to arts and crafts all my life. I have always been in love with clay medium particularly and my earliest memory of when I started, goes back to when I was 8 years old and made a full miniature village out of plasticine during summer holiday. I have had my hands on all sorts of arts and crafts including but not limited to sewing, needlework, embroidery, flower making (fabric), macrame, carpet weaving, woodworking, stained glass, costume making, mixed media, cake decorating, jewelery making, etc. I have a BA in music and have studied sculpting on the side back home. Also learned cake decorating techniques and sugar craft from Geraldine Randlesome at Creative Cutters here in Canada. I have over 28 years of teaching experience in both private and group settings. I love working with polymer clay and mixed media.